Cleaner Energy

Our companies, operating in 18 jurisdictions across North America, are united in taking a pragmatic approach to delivering a cleaner energy future.

Wind turbine with a grey background


Our strategy focuses on reducing carbon emissions by increasing renewable generation capacity and investing in a cleaner, more resilient energy grid. Our goal is to get the energy we provide as clean as possible, as fast as possible, without compromising our ability to deliver safe, reliable, affordable energy to customers. 

Achieve our greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets.

Focus on customer affordability.

Support energy policy development.

Tap into innovative solutions to provide reliable, cleaner energy.

Solar panel with a blue sky in the background


Reducing Carbon Emissions

We continue to make progress toward our greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals. Our scope 1 emissions are now 33% below 2019 levels, equivalent to the annual emissions of more than 890,000 gasoline vehicles. Fortis emission reduction targets are on track in support of our 2050 net-zero goal.

Our Planned Trajectory to Net-Zero

One Goal, Many Paths

All Fortis companies support our emissions reduction targets and make a distinct contribution, reflecting their business and geographic considerations. Learn more about how our three largest utilities are driving the cleaner energy transition. 

Tucson Electric Power

Our regulated vertically integrated energy company in Arizona is transitioning its energy mix to increase renewable energy sources while also supporting growing customer energy use. Tucson Electric Power (TEP) expects to retire its remaining coal generation by 2032 and plans to add over 2,200 MW of wind and solar generation and 1,300 MW of energy storage by 2038. TEP also plans to add 400 MW of natural gas generation to help offset the capacity lost from coal plant retirements and support greater use of wind and solar energy and growing customer demand.

ITC Holdings Corp.

Our regulated energy transmission company is investing in the infrastructure necessary to build a more modern, reliable grid to support the delivery of cleaner energy. The company's five-year capital plan reflects the integration of approximately 7,000 MW of renewable energy on its system. ITC also advocates for public policy to advance U.S. energy infrastructure and ensure a robust transmission system that is reliable, resilient, and sustainable.


Our regulated natural gas distribution business is expanding lower carbon energy solutions and helping customers save energy. The company is a leading gas utility buyer of renewable natural gas in North America and invests significantly in energy conservation initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lower energy costs for customers. FortisBC is also committed to finding solutions for sectors that are difficult to decarbonize, such as heavy industry and marine transportation.


As we make the necessary investments in our companies and transition to cleaner energy, we are focused on keeping energy reliable and affordable for customers. We’re getting the most out of existing infrastructure and embracing innovation and process improvements to help control operating costs. We also help customers save energy and manage bills through energy efficiency and demand-side management programs.

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