Climate Action

We are working to address and prepare for the impacts of climate change on our business.


Scenario Analysis

Fortis companies are preparing for more frequent weather events that have the potential to impact customers, communities, and infrastructure. To support our strong track record of managing climate events, we are:

Shifting from planning our systems based on historical weather patterns to modelling future climate scenarios.

Analyzing future climate scenarios to understand how our operations may be impacted.

Assessing physical risks using specific geographic climate science for priority assets.

Several transmission towers, power lines, and wind turbines

Being Accountable

Our 2024 Climate Report provides a detailed climate analysis across Fortis utilities using different scenarios and timeframes. Our climate reporting is based on recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).  We report additional sustainability key performance indicators annually and present emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards. We follow the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and report using industry-specific standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). 

Adaptation and Resiliency

As energy demand and extreme weather events increase, strengthening the grid is more important than ever.  To prepare for future climate impacts and ensure reliable energy, we are:

Making responsible investments to modernize the grid and make it more resilient.

Working as a group of companies to mitigate climate risks and take advantage of opportunities.

Partnering with others in our industry, including the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Canadian Standards Association, to address climate adaptation and improve design standards.

Female and male employee in safety gear reviewing a document outdoors, on a laptop
Three male employees in safety gear, resting on a pipe

Risk Management

Our enterprise risk management program assesses and manages risks, including climate risk, that have the potential to affect business performance and strategy. Fortis continues to develop practices and policies to address risks to assets and service territories exacerbated by climate change. We are also upgrading and enhancing our infrastructure to protect against climate change.